Full steam ahead!
We follow the steam from the boiler to the cylinder and study how power is generated and heat is converted into movement along the way. After a series of simple experiments that explain the basics, students can assemble and commission a steam engine in small groups.
Location: Porzellanikon Selb
Age: Year (grade) 5. - 9.
Curriculum reference: Mittelschule NT5, 4.1 NT6 4.2, NT8 2.4; Realschule Ph7 1, Ph 8 (I), 1+2 (II/III) 1, Ph9 1+2; Gymnasium Ph8 3.1, 3.2, Ph9 1.1, 3.1
Duration: 2 hours
Group size: up to max. 20 students per group, max 2 groups
Cost: 5 € per student
Registration: At least one week before under +49 9287 91800-0 or besuchercenter(at)porzellanikon.org
The cost of travelling with your school class should not be an obstacle to a visit to Porzellanikon! The Förderverein Porzellanikon e. V. therefore supports the travel of school classes to our school programmes with up to 150 euros. Please ask us about this when you make your booking.
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