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On these pages you will find various publications dedicated to the extensive topic of porcelain.

The volumes are sorted by publication date. Some volume numbers are unfortunately already sold out.

If you would like to order a publication, please call us at +49 9233 7722-0 or send us an email to 
Orders for publications shipped within Germany generally arrive within a week.
Please note: Tell us your address and phone number so that we can send you an invoice for advance payment. Shipping within Germany costs €7.90; different rates apply for shipping outside of Germany.

Wuppertaler Malereidekor für Berliner Manufakturporzellan
Band 22
Wuppertaler Malereidekor für Berliner Manufakturporzellan
ISBN 3-927793-21-3

Impulse - junge Dekore für gute Formen
Band 21
Impulse - junge Dekore für gute Formen
Dekorwettbewerb der Porzellanfabrik Arzberg
ISBN 3-927793-16-7

Porzellan und Farbe
Band 15
Porzellan und Farbe
Figurative Plastik der Gegenwart
ISBN 3-927793-18-3

Aus einer Porzellanfabrik.
Band 02
Aus einer Porzellanfabrik.
Ein Photoalbum mit Texten und Beispielen
Preis: 2,00€
ISBN 3-927793-01-9

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