Third stop on the advertising cube: SIBYLLENBAD in Bad Neualbenreuth.
The advertising cube of the Porzellanikon - State Museum for Porcelain - arrived at its third station yesterday. It stands in the entrance foyer of the SIBYLLENBAD in Bad Neualbenreuth and draws attention to the museum's two current special exhibitions: "Luxury, Wellness, Porcelain - A Day at the Bohemian Spa" at Porzellanikon Hohenberg a.d. Eger and "Toilet & Co. Sanitary Ceramics from the Outhouse to the High-Tech Toilet" at Porzellanikon Selb. Both special shows have common themes: Health, water and wellness.Porzellanikon's cooperation with the SIEBENQUELL HEALTH RESORT in Weißenstadt, the ALEXBAD in Bad Alexandersbad and the SIBYLLENBAD in Bad Neualbenreuth is therefore at the centre of the promotional campaign. Visitors to the special exhibitions at Porzellanikon should be sure to keep their museum tickets and bring them with them when they visit the health spas, as they will receive a 10% discount on the day ticket on presentation of their museum ticket.The third and final stop on the promotional tour is the SIBYLLENBAD in Bad Neualbenreuth, where the cube was set up on Thursday, 14 September 2023, in the presence of Dipl.-Kfm. Gerhard Geiger, Plant Manager of SIBYLLENBAD.
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