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On Friday, February 18, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., ceramists:inside met in Porzellanikon - State Museum of Porcelain, Selb. It was the third cerami-ker meeting in the framework of the EU project CerDee (Creative entrepreneurship in ceramic regions - developing, educating, encouraging). The aim of the meeting was to exchange ideas and experiences. To this end, two workshops were offered in the rooms of the museum's creative factory. Christoph Uhlig, technology mediator of the Por-zellanikon gave a lecture on 3D printing. In a short summary, he provided information about various printing processes and how the in-house 3D printer works. Afterwards, the participants were able to work on their own and design an object on the laptops provided, which was then printed out on the 3D printer. In his workshop, Rudolph Schepp, master ceramist, assistant principal and senior teacher at the Landshut Ceramics College, presented the production of ceramic wax crayons. Using samples he brought along, he showed how they can be used for working on clay and ceramic objects.

After the hands-on workshops, the ceramists met at 2:30 p.m. in the museum's Audito-rium. Katharina Heusinger, owner of the pottery "Keramik auf der Spek" informed on behalf of Edith Memmel, head of the potters and ceramists guild Bavaria, about the digital project of the guild. The aim is to develop a digital platform for the sale of ceramics. A website is planned that will serve as a common pottery market with access to the individual workshops of the ceramists. Finally, Alexa Voigtlaender, owner of "hantwerck" in Regensburg, spoke about the far-reaching possibilities in social media channels.

The creative participants sat down together to discuss the use of social media channels for self-promotion. Those who are already active on social media had the opportunity to implement what they had learned and experienced together with Alexa Voigtlaender. 

Finally, Melanie Steinel, employee in the EU project CerDee at Porzellanikon, referred to the final conference of the project, which will take place on March 24, 2022 at Porzellanikon Selb and invited all ceramists to attend.

Date: March 24, 2022, final conference of the EU project CerDee (Creative entrepreneu-rship in ceramic regions - developing, educating, encouraging), Porzellanikon Selb, Auditorium, 10-17 h, free admission. Registration by e-mail at or by fax to +49 9287 91800-999.

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